My hiatus is coming to an end, I'll try to come up with new stuff to write about!

I've been in a rather difficult position lately. I've been jobless and my last year as a student didn't go so well.
I had to reconsider many things in my life, such as what kind of job I really wanted.
That's why I've decided to go back to studying programming languages, mainly web stuff related to HTML, CSS and PHP so I can try going back to school prepared and motivated.
I've had the opportunity to listen to a lot of music, play many games, and even read some books that predate 1999 so that'll give me plenty to write about. Expect some new stuff in the coming weeks!
Thank you for sticking around.

I recommend you set your screen resolution to 1024x768 before proceeding!

I created this website with the intent of talking about the stuff I like, be it video games, music, art, and such.
Come back from time to time to see how it evolves!
And most importantly :

Enjoy your stay!

Click on these buttons to find the cool websites I got them from. :)